Xero does have various country-specific versions but not a Japanese version, only a global version, so you may wonder if the global version is suitable for Japan. The short answer is Yes but there are some provisos: If you are already using Xero for other related companies, then it makes perfect sense to also use …

Quotations & Consumption Tax
Have you ever been quoted a price, agreed on it and then charged a higher amount? It’s not a nice experience and it’s easy to feel you’ve been tricked. The law is clear in Japan, Australia, Britain and probably elsewhere: When you give a price estimate or agree on a price, you should make it …

Tax Audits
The Tax Office auditors seems to like visiting Hirafu as much as the tourists – many of the larger gaijin businesses here have been audited once if not twice in the last few years. As much as anything, it’s an awful drain on resources as it ties up staff in meetings and in digging out …

Consumption Tax in Japan
Like many things here, consumption tax in Japan is different from consumption tax elsewhere in some quite fundamental respects. Firstly, the rate is a low 5% and has been so for many years. This means that accounting for consumption tax correctly and promptly is not as critical as it is in most other countries.

Welcome to my brand new site and blog!
Thanks for visiting J Amos Consulting. With the changing seasons almost upon us, I felt that it was time for a bit of a change with my site, both in presentation and content, as well as starting a blog for those interested in Niseko and the lifestyle here. I hope you enjoy it and please …